Workshop/Coaching Survey Did you attend a coaching session, workshop or CIN Forum with us today?Coaching SessionWorkshopCIN ForumWhich workshop did you attend?AssessmentDirect WorkLanguageChild's JourneyOtherIf other, please tell us the title of the workshop.On a scale of 0-10, how useful was the coaching/workshop/CIN Forum for your day-to-day practice?(where 0 is not useful at all and 10 is extremely useful)---012345678910On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to change something in your practice as a result of attending the workshop/coaching/CIN Forum?(where 0 is not likely at all and 10 is extremely likely)---012345678910Can you tell us what that is?Based on your experience today, how likely are you to attend future workshops, take up the offer of individual coaching or attend the CIN Forum?(where 0 is not likely at all and 10 is extremely likely)---012345678910Can you tell us why that is?Is there anything else we could have included or done more/less of that would have made the coaching/workshop/CIN Forum more useful to you?Name(Optional question)Team(Optional question) 52971